

Everyone's misplaced something - Remotes, Wallets, Children.  You'll search everywhere to find it - every hidden nook, every dusty cranny, every floral print laden clothing rack... and yet, nothing. After a long series of failures, you'll inevitably call it quits - eventually forgetting the entire debacle ever happened.

What happens to these objects when they've fallen out of mind - when nobody is left to remember their existence?

What happens when something... no longer exists?

Just as MidLife is home to the deceased who still carry a predestined goal, it is also home to man-made objects which are forgotten or abandoned, yet still serve a viable use - from minuscule wedding rings, to enormous theme parks. If it's been forgotten by Earth's society as a whole, it materializes in MidLife.

This aspect of MidLife was implemented extremely early on, allowing MidLivvian residents access to a multitude of Earthly belongings - further cementing the world's role as a 'condensed' parallel of Earth. As time moved forward, forgotten objects became bigger and bigger - as civilizations fell, monuments passed, and societies moved, their remains began to fill every empty space in the MidLivvian cityscape.

A beautiful day at The Landfill.
Unlike the deceased, objects do not materialize in any particular locations - appearing with no pattern whatsoever. The MidLife Waste Management Services handles these objects, which, after being collected, have two destinations...

If the abandoned objects are of no apparent value, they are delivered to The Landfill; a gargantuan pile of trash overlooking one of the many bodies of water dotted throughout MidLife. It serves as the resting place for both these abandoned items, and for the trash resulting from MidLife's populace - including the corpses of those who have successfully met their fate. Though it's huge array of treasures may be enticing, we must advise the populace that entry is strictly prohibited.

Worry not, you wacky old environmentalists - The Landfill's toxic fumes, erosive runoff, and horrifically unsanitary nature has no impact whatsoever on a society of the functioning dead!

"Turning Trash into Capitalism"
If they do retain value, however, they are sent to the MidLife Thrift Company. The MLTC either distributes these items to their respective owners via mail, assuming they or any of their close relatives reside in MidLife, or sends the objects to one of their various company-owned Thrift Shops. There, they are sold to the public. These sales support the MLTC's distribution efforts, which are entirely charge-free, and support the lesser classes of MidLivvian society by offering a marvelous selection of unique products at even more dazzling costs. Should you ever feel a bit too privileged, The MLTC also accepts donations!

If you discover an item that appears to have been abandoned on Earth, feel free to assist this process by bringing it to a MLWM Office.