

"Interment" - noun. The burial of a corpse in a grave or tomb, typically with funeral rites.

Here in MidLife, Interment is more than the end - it is the beginning. We have planned a day-long Interment process which will lead you into MidLife with ease, understanding, and professional guidance.

The following schedule offers a brief outline of the day's events.
Times and locations are subject to change.

ARRIVAL................................................................................10-15 mins.

Welcome to MidLife! You will "wake up" in one of our many Entry Rooms, serviced by an in-house Nurse. Your Nurse will provide you with a small plate of food & drink, a selection of Facility provided clothing, and the immediate emotional support that may be necessary. During this time, you will also be provided with your free copy of this handbook - be sure to give each article a good read! Once fully prepared, you will be led out of your Entry Room.

From there, you will either be led to the Presentation Theater, or, if necessary, to the Facility Reconstruction Center.


If you are led to Facility Reconstruction Center before the Presentation Hall, your death has left you unable to function as a normal Human being. Here, any debilitating injuries will be corrected. Utilizing the talents of renowned plastic surgeons, the technological prowess state-of-the-art bodily reinforcements, and the astonishing power of duct tape, you'll look and function as good as new.
Editor's Note - as implied, this event does not apply to every Newcomer.

PRESENTATION.........................................................................20 mins.

In the Presentation Theater, you will view the informational film "MidLife - Your New Life", starring Charon. Details briefly acknowledged in the film are further expanded upon in this handbook.

This will also serve your first time among fellow newly deceased MidLivvians - don't be shy. Say hello to your fellow dead as you wait for the film to begin!

After the film is completed, you will be processed out of the theater, and into the Registration Hall.

REGISTRATION..........................................................................50 mins.

Registration will establish your place as a MidLivvian Citizen. Your identity will be entered into MidLife's governmental database, allowing you to receive your coinciding Identification Card.

Registration can be a long and arduous process, as each incoming citizen must be accounted for one by one. Please excuse any significant delays you may experience during your wait.

To help keep Registration's flow as efficient as possible, be prepared to provide your full name, date of birth, and nationality. Any further details will be automatically uploaded to the database using automated documentation techniques.


After leaving the Registration Hall, you will congregate into the Pick-Up Terminal; here, you will be assigned to your assigned Psychopomp. Check the large screens lining the terminal to find your match.

Your Psychopomp will lead you through the areas surrounding your Facility, getting you familiar with the culture and inner workings of everyday MidLife.

When the tour is complete, your Psychopomp will leave you to rest at your Facility provided housing, completing the Interment process.